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Cold Winter of Death


I have a lot to write and not much time to write in, so housekeeping first: 1- I'm waiting to hear from Farmer Adam when his pigs will be ready. He needs a very cold day (which God is providing us many of) and I hope to have lots of heads up. When I hear from him I will report to all of you. 2- I am thinking of doing meat chickens. If you want to learn how to process a chicken and get a chicken at the same time, it will be a minimal cost. If you like them, Adam will be a source of chicken year round as well as other things. I also highly recommend Farmer Ben. 3- I would love to have a meet up and learn how folks managed during that snow storm and also what you all learned and also what you enjoyed about it. If you didn't enjoy any part of it you're doing life wrong. 4- Not everyone who is getting covid is shaking it off and my nieces husband really needs your prayers. They were fortunate (through prayer and a sister in law who drive through the night) to procure a first class relic of Vn Fr Michael J. McGivney. We are asking the intercession of Fr McGivney to please completely heal Joe and bring him home to a family who worn thin with worry a fatigue. God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Father Michael J. McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church. Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify your venerable servant Father Michael J. McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present for the full and complete healing of Joseph’s body so he may return home to his family. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 5- Lastly, we are becoming a more fractured nation as the stresses of the current situation continues to haunt our constant thoughts. While I am happy to lose friends and income over this, I do not want to lose souls, and ultimately that is what is at stake. We are finding ourselves in this cold civil war careening towards hot civil war and I wish I was eloquent enough to argue folks out of violence. We are seeing the unvaccinated becoming "Tutsi cockroaches" and fear is gripping both sides. I have many friends still facing mandates in order to buy and sell. The concerns of China and Russia are real and it's almost as if we are hearing of wars and rumors thereof. I will spare you my months of mulling over just war theory and my reflections on it and offer only a story: Years ago, when the crashing economy in Greece demanded austerity measures which ended in the government of Greece stealing money out of people's banks, one of my colleagues swore "if they ever try to take our bank accounts, we will revolt!" Mind you, you may feel the same, and chances are it means more to people who have a lot of money in the bank, but I will tell you what I told him "They are killing babies by the thousands and have been doing so daily for over 45 years and you didn't fight over them." So with that thought, don't fight. This fear many folks are facing is real but now is a time to reach out and try to maintain as much community as you can. With threats of a "cyber pandemic" and power outages being real, we could actually face a cold winter of death (as promised by the president). Also you are playing into the hands of people who call you a domestic terrorist.

I know we are a nation founded on rebellion but I'm sorry to tell you that you must suffer for now. That is your role. Suck it up, be a man and quit whining. You can resist certainly, but until someone crosses the threshold of your domicile, you can do nothing. This is the long cold dark winter you have ahead. People can't see communism slouching towards us because they only see a disease, but that disease is only the knife in the hand of a madman, and it's the madman you really need to fear. Stay in touch with friends and family. Check on people. Put aside the politicized corona-doom. Maybe don't discuss Klaus Schwab, but talk about the weather, that's been interesting around Fredericksburg. And of course PRAY. We are very fortunate to be able to go to Church for now.

And if the lights and electricity do for any reason just simply go off and not come back on, for some time I will be having a cook out at my house the first Saturday after that. After all we don't want to see all that food go to waste.

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