Now I know I'm the crazy one in most rooms, I get that. Which is why it's really not me you want playing the role of prophet. People prefer level headed good looking people sponsoring ideas. It's just part of why they use celebrities to sell us on ideas. I'm really seeing a lot more of this kind of crap.
So when I say "they want you to eat bugs" don't immediately disregard me because I lack two of the three criteria for celebrity endorsement. But they want you to eat bugs. There's been tons of this over the years but it's ramping up. Also I'm sorry to say it's cheaper for food producers to raise crickets than cows. No it's not better for the environment, its much worse, but your overlords don't actually care about the environment, and those that do actually care (drive Teslas and support Starbucks and the likes) also don't care. I can say this because they are the not doing the research and are also their solutions are bad for people and the planet. So right off the bat you can not give them any credence.
That said bugs are not the only issue for us and food for the future. We have very unhealthy food. We are told to eat lots of bread, and pasta etc, but our sources of grains have way to much sugar in them. Americans, thanks to government schools, Horace Mann and the Prussian Education system have made people dumb. With sugars and low nutrient foods Americans lead the world in being big fat fatties; and we surpass all first world nations in stupidity. I don't say this because there's an active movement to give your kid puberty blockers and we still aren't kicking in teeth, but because we the numbers support it.
So here's the conspiracy bit. When I was in community college I had a professor who way back in 1995 brought up crisper technology, organ harvesting, DNA cataloging and more. No, she actually wasn't crazy, she actually should be the one writing this; but she brought up things on our radar that wouldn't be issues for years. One thing she said in a throw away comment was about a dictator who took over a country full of starving people. He didn't have to kill the entire populace but instead fed them, but only corn meal. They had full stomach for the first time in a long time. But what they didn't have was all the nutrients they needed to think straight. They lacked nutrients. Their brains were not getting everything they needed.
So years later I tracked her down, she was recently retired and happened upon my email to her old school account. She said the story came from a Graham Green novel but she'd thought it had been played out by Idi Amin when he took over Uganda.
There's good reason to be worried that fanatics (and possibly satanic pedophiles) who have taken over so much of the ruling class, and want us to eat bugs (not corn meal). But what's also disconcerting is how I think they could make us do this; through hunger. As long as I've been politically aware I've worried about how fragile our modern food system is. If you know history you know what a terrible danger this all can be. We are already seeing ourselves primed for a more totalitarian government, fuel shortages, and persecutions; but serious food insecurity could I think make people embrace my other bigger concern central bank digital currency. And of course the vaccine in the hand and forehead. It's coming, I don't know when or how, but I'm seeing us being conditioned for it (see here and here as just two examples).
Yes I just jumped right to the mark of the beast, I know. Don't mind you that so many world leaders love the phrase 6uild 6ack 6etter, but even if these jack-asses aren't paving the way for The Beast himself the thought that anyone would want to mirror such a thing/ person is horrific.
So I see I 'm getting long winded. So I will try to wrap this up. Under the guise of environmentalism food is in danger and really a lot of other things as well. Which is why we are planting a fall garden, it's why we have chickens and also food stores. I don't have a years worth of food and that's where community comes in. You all know people like me, but you also know people who are the opposite. Community is really important, we can't all be farmer Ben or Adam, but we can be prepared and also make up for what those two great guys will be lacking, like booze tobacco, and coffee. Or maybe one of us will be really good at growing hops, and another is good at rice and another at ammo. When this gets real we will likely adjust to things pretty well but we will adjust better if we have friends who we can lean on.
From plague, famine and war, Lord, save your people.
One more thought, we didn't do a great job repenting. We were given lots of warnings, shots across the bow, and we just kept sinning. So now God will force us to repent, and if we didn't fast enough on our own maybe we will be forced to fast.