I started writing a number of things and didn't; the need to be honest over nice (pissing people off with truth), something about masks mandate changes, something about satanism in the Vatican, another about the consecration. I could write about Ukraine and Russia and Malachi Martin and so on but I have spared you all.
Instead I wanted to share that the chickens are in. It's a mixed bag, on breeds. The cornish cross I wanted had a long lead time and would have been more expensive for us than what we have (a lot more expensive because of shipping). So we will not only learn how to process chickens like grandma knew how, but we will likely see what chickens tasted like back when Purdue and Tyson's wasn't all we got from the grocery store. I picked up 20 baby chicks and we've lost only one so far. I think they will end up being at least $10 a piece when all said and done (and they won't be really big, I'm sorry). I am paying for straw and pine shavings myself because I will still use those. The chick feed is about $8 a bag and I can't switch them to the less expensive chicken food until they are are a little bit bigger. I will finish them with sprouted corn which should improve taste and they will of course move outside to the mobile chicken hoop house so they can forage just as soon as possible. If they can all get their weight up fast I hope farmer Adam will give us a class on chicken kill'n sometime late April early May. If anyone is considering egg layers this year get on it soon. Also if you are only considering egg layers after you've sorted out the logistics of coops and the likes I can tell you that all you need is a simple cage and a 5 gallon bucket. Chickens are dumb and don't complain. Also I will gladly help you make a suitable coop for the cost of cheap scotch. Lastly in light of all the things I don't write, or don't share I do recommend starting a garden. The elites want you all eating cricket paste and the resistance starts with what you put in your head and your mouth. PS let me know what nights are good for a get together I'd like to review the encyclical and get another assignment.