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Fatima is Still Relevant, Very (part 1)


The talk I went to last week “Fatima, Why The Time Is Now” given by Hugh Owen and David Rodríguez was really enjoyable. Rather than dive into the talks I will relay part of the conversation after and the questions I had.

First, if you are not up to speed on what Fatima is, and why so many Catholics are interested in this, I propose you give it a “goog”. In short, Our Lady visited three shepherd children in rural Portugal and the greatest miracle outside of the Ten Plagues, the crossing the Red Sea, and the Resurrection happened, and has hostile witnesses to substantiate its validity.

I went because I need to make more time for things like this. I used to go to lectures and I used to read books, I’ve even been on a few retreats; but with job issues and a home full of kids I don’t make time for things like this. In addition I had questions about Fatima and needed an expert to answer them. One question above others.

On May 25th 2020, in the height of lockdowns, I sent out text messages to a number of friends asking them to refute a theory. I wanted different friends with different points of view and different temperaments to shoot me down with logic and reason. This was spurred by two things. First Bill GatesofHell actually said “we can’t get back to normal until everyone has proven vaccinated or recovered from covid. Without that no one could buy or sell”. I’m paraphrasing but he said “buy or sell” (good luck finding the video it seems purged from the internet). Next I went into full on conspiracy theorist and looked at the white papers and funding of this:

The responses I got from friends were a mixed bag, but the advancement above in vaccine tracing was funded by the same GatesofHell. Anyway back to Fatima…

My first question was about Brother Michel de la Sainte Trinite, he is the only person I know who has reported this one singular thing about Fatima, and being the author of one of the most definitive books on the subject (three volumes) and being how his order will not allow his books to be published anymore (read that as his order has suppressed his three volume set titled The Whole Truth About Fatima.) Anyway I wanted to confirm what I had heard about Brother’s reporting on something Sister Lucy had said about “what the third secret was about”.

Well Mr, Rodríguez confirmed that yes, Brother was indeed one of the most authoritative and reliable sources on Fatima, and also that he did indeed report the one thing I’d heard.

Here’s what I’d heard and what I’d sent to friends early in 2020: Brother Michel de la Sainte Trinite wrote in his work on the Secrets of Fatima that when he interviewed Sister Lucy of Fatima in person and he hinted for answers from her about the future, Sister Lucy exclaimed that what we want to know is in the Bible. To quote Brother Michel's book: "Sister Lucy herself greatly recommends reading, studying, meditating on the Apocalypse. We have seen that when questioned on the contents of the third Secret [of Fatima], she answered: It’s in the Gospel and the Apocalypse, read them! We even know that one day she indicated chapters 8 to 13 ." [The Whole Truth About Fatima, Volume III, The Third Secret (1942-1960), by Brother Michel de la Sainte Trinite of the Little Brothers of the Sacred Heart.]

If you didn’t get that, read chapter 13 verse 18 of the Apocalypse. I don’t think we are there yet, but we are well on the way. The covid shot was a test of our compliance. We failed. It’s alright, no reason to spurn loved ones who took the vaccine, people are working with different information and access etc. But to push back now will be harder and the threat of social credit systems, digital currency and mandatory medical treatments is going to be very real. More about this at another time. In part two I will share what evidence may be available to point us towards why we are indeed in worse times than people wish to recognize.

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