It's a good idea to learn now about communism. Below I have a number of links about modern communism but also about it's roots. Not an exhaustive list of reading, listening, and watching but a decent primer. If at the end of this post you don't hate the errors of Russia (there's more than just communism on that list) than I suggest you lock yourself up in a monastery and spend your remaining days repenting for your sins. And yes, not knowing communism is probably a sin.
#1 Neighbors are weapons, so know your neighbors and make peace with them. #2 Commies will lock you down and kill your pets (Shanghai can teach a lot more than that actually).
#3 America already lost #4 Get this book #4 The Cultural Revolution you're seeing now is just the beginning (in reality there's not a lot of great links for the cruelty of this time period, it's already suppressed too much)
#5 keep checking the results for "tiananmen square" because in China you only get the weather So that said Fr Duesterhaus of St Matthews parish will be visiting my house Tuesday the 26th, like our book club he has a cooking club. He's more organized and apparently even made guide book for his club. I'm interested in his model and what he's doing and of course this is the root of the idea of the Cheap Scotch book club.
Tuesday April 26th 7:00pm