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The Need for Community


The rumor is that the Supreme Court ruling on Roe v Wade will come down today, June 24th the Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist. How wonderful that this great protector of marriage and family might be celebrated with the pushing back on such a terrible law. This is a pivotal ruling that if it comes done as expected form the leak will save countless babies lives. It will come at a cost, but it will be worth it.

I don't expect violence will break out at every mass in the US, despite the communist sway on things in this country and their hold on the systems of influence they are not that many. But they will be at the churches where Justices usually attend. They will also probably attack more pregnancy centers (at least 4 have been fire bombed) and any other targets that seem soft and easy. Eventually I think any car that has a rosary sticker will be attacked and maybe even any mother with "too" many kids in tow at the grocery store. But we aren't there yet.

As the attacks increase and localities do nothing our better who are so tolerant will get more brazen. The same groups that were formed to cause havoc in 2020 didn't go away and neither did their funding.

Interesting little tidbit, among the reasons I was let go from a really great job (read that as great paying job) in 2019 was that I bet the millionaire owner that we'd have a hot civil war within 5 years. It came across as impertinent to the Japanese owner, but in my defense I'd drank to much. I still hold to this and I'm happy to collect anyone's money who wants to take this bet. Not that I wish to win, but I'm pretty confident that we are already beyond a "culture war".

But as I've said to numerous friends we can't just start kicking in the teeth of all the pink haired rainbow clad people we see. There's still a lot of patience to practice and prayers to offer up. Also for now we need to increase our holiness. Above all else we need to practice holiness and embrace every grace Our Good Lord has to offer.

So, Tuesday the 28th at St Anthony's Dom Martin Bernhard of Norcia will offer mass.

It will be in the octave of the sacred heart so pre 62 mass of the sacred heart with the commemoration of the Vifil of sta peter and Paul. Or let me put it this way, a beautiful mass with good people you should meet and be sanctified with. Folks don't go to Hell alone and they don't go to heaven alone. I know I'm no where near saintliness but I have always been smart enough to associate with the right people. So come to a mass like your great grandfather went to, perhaps there's an association between why he was manly and his grandsons aren't.

I just got word that Roe v Wade has indeed been struck down. On today the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Also the Nativity of John the Baptist, defender of marriage and family, and witness to babies in womb's having conscienceless; for he lept in his mother's womb when he heard Mary's greeting. Praise God, this is a great consolation for those who get so few consolations. Pray up, get holy, say your rosary and associate with holy people.

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