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They Hate You


In New York this recently shared a PSA about what to do in the event of a nuclear strike.


This and other recent news about the threat of nuclear war on US soil has me deeply disturbed. Firstly because it’s so nonplused about the incredible and horrific consequences of such a thing. It reminded me so much of when Obama was president and the news would cover topics like “unemployed Americans are finding time for hobbies”. As if losing your job and suffering crushing debt and the weight of responsibilities can be replaced by macramé.

The media hates the US populace and what worse is they don’t even know it.

It just seems strange that the left doesn’t have a facemask for this. I mean they had that to virtue signal the threat that was covid and it was not only useless against the size of the covid germ it was absurd in relationship to the survival rate. So why aren’t liberals screaming about a threat of nuclear war?

Anyway here’s my Catholic link to this. I can’t recall where it was said, perhaps Pope John Paul II, or then Cardinal Ratzinger I’m not sure. But it was said that if people knew the actual contents of the third secret of Fatima they would be on their knees begging pardon and there would be long lines at the confessional. Father Malachi Martin had said about the third secret would "It will fill up the churches with worshippers striking their breasts"

Also there’s this from Padre Pio:

So in the scope of “what would make a world of callus people repent?” one of my few answers are; nuclear holocaust.

Perhaps the kinds of people who would not be worried about nukes are also the kind who wouldn’t be interested in repentance. Or maybe they are just so backwards/upside down that men can get pregnant, kids can and should have their sexual organs mutilated, rioting for the license to kill babies is good and nukes are a nothing-burger.

Ok so all that said here’s my link between Fatima, nuclear war and the world we are living in:

The week that Vatican II starts there’s the Cuban Missile Crisis.

(note, this was the first and last Catholic President before Joe Biden. It is said that for that one week then-President Kennedy lived a sacramental life and I would suggest that this contributed to our nation being saved from destruction)

Oct 14th, 1962 (45 years and a day after the miracle of the Sun) American recon planes identify missile launch pads in Cuba. The same day Vatican II went off the rails and the preparatory commissions (this is was of orthodox prelates and theologians who designed the entirety of V2) were usurped by Cardinals Achille Lienart of Lille (and others) voting to have the “most qualified members” with something that looks like the tennis court oath. This coup of the preparatory commission took the plan of VII and replaced it with Nouvelle théologie which seems subtle but was the means of bringing in protestant theologians to direct the Vatican II end goal. As a result the Novus Ordo mass -which was never part of the docket of the preparatory commission- became the single greatest change in the Church in it’s 1,929 yers of existence. I should write something about the N.O. mass and New Coke but it’s been done enough by enough people.

Second, 1960 is when the Third Secret was supposed to be related to the world (actually 1960 or whenever Sr Lucy died, which ever came first) also and maybe related 1960 was the first year the President of the United States started carrying the “nuclear football”. Then President Kennedy was single handily the person with the most power in the world.

I recall people crying about what a threat Trump was and how “he has the football” but come on, Trump has many flaws but Biden in comparison is orders of magnitude worse. And I think also a puppet.

So there it is. Maybe there’s some nuclear threat that looms over us.

On more thing in light of the Supreme Court’s decision. Mather Teresa once said “the fruit of abortion is nuclear war”. I would say the truth has a ring to it.

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