I have a lengthy and problematic posting that involves many things but among them the pacha mama incident in Oct 2019 at the Vatican. This thing that happened at the Vatican if you don’t know is profoundly problematic. Francis sat in attendance while religious and lay people alike bowed to an idol.
This all happened as the Wuhan lab’s cell phone service went cold. There was strange happenings in the Vatican during this Amazon Synod of October 2019 among them a strange poster of a native South American nursing a dog. Lots of other weird things also happened. The same day Sister Susagowa of the approved apparition Our Lady of Akita sent a message (we haven’t heard from her since 1973) and she said simply “put on your sack clothe and ashes”.
At the end of the synod Francis had a mass that featured two large black bowls also related to the pacha thing. (In my opinion this was the worst part and I won’t even say what I think was in those bowls)
We had a strange nativity scene that represented many forms of death and that was weird and also at the holy site of The Colosseum we had Moloch displayed. (And yes a holy site and declared such by the Church because it was the site of so many early Church martyrs.) Just before Dec 6 Fr Z a liturgist and latinist said he had heard from Exorcist that everyone needed to pray really hard. Essentially exorcist can learn from demons (who are subject to them and the name of Christ) “things” and apparently there was a lot of “chatter”.
There’s more of course, but in short this was all a build up to Covid. Well, Fr Z has another warning and I think it’s worth preparing your soul and praying. If Covid hasn’t been absolutely terrible for the entire world and isn’t mentioned in the apparition of Fatima (or any prophecies) and certainly not in the Bible, than I would say if something else is on the horizon be prepared.
If you don’t know Fatima, Akita etc it’s worth looking up.